VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #2
Dimorphodon dinosaur facts VR 360 video education
The next video in the VR Jurassic Encyclopedia series is now available on youtube. In this video, we bring you new and unknown facts about the dinosaur that is Dimorphodon.
Dimorphodon was quite an unusual dinosaur due to its appearance. Its head was much larger compared to other pterosaurs. These dinosaurs lived about 195-190 million years ago in the early stages of the Jurassic era. Its name is also unusual because it means “two-form tooth” in Greek. The name comes from the two types of teeth characteristic of this dinosaur.
The height of Dimorphodon oscillated on the level of 1 m, and its wings measured 1.45 m in span. When analyzing the body structure of this dinosaur, it is also worth paying attention to the previously mentioned skull, which was 23 cm long.
The diet of this dinosaur consists mainly of small lizards, mammals, and fish, and it was speculated that this dinosaur was also an insect eater. The theory emerged after examining the structure of Dimorphodon, in which it was found that he had weak mandibular muscles that can close quickly but with little force or penetration into the teeth. The theory was disproved after a closer examination of tooth micro-wear. It is believed that this dinosaur inhabited the coastal areas, which could be the reason for its varied diet.
Dimorphodona fossils were found in 1828 in England. The place where the fossils were found is today called the Jurassic Coast. Interestingly, excavations in this area revealed that there were more additional species of Dimorphodon.
Another interesting fact about Dimorphodon is that it was a weak flier whose flights resembled a chicken’s flight. This dinosaur used its wings for short flights and only took to the air as a last resort.
For more information and to find out what this dinosaur looked like and lived, watch our VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #2 video and continue our VR 360 video education about dinosaurs.