Argentinosaurus dinosaur

VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #23 – Argentinosaurus dinosaur facts VR 360 video education

The 23rd episode in our Jurassic Encyclopedia series with a special guest – Argentinosaurus. We invite you to read the article and then watch our new 360 video. Argentinosaurus was a giant dinosaur that lived around 96 to 92 million years ago in the Late Cretaceous period in what is now Argentina. This dinosaur is the largest known land animal of all time. The size of the dinosaur ranged from 30 to even 39.7 meters in length and its weight could range from 50 to 100 tonnes! Argentinosaurus, like other sauropods, was oviparous. This means in practice that females laid eggs. It was a herbivorous animal. Do not wait any longer to find out the next dose of dinosaur facts and continue our VR 360 video education about dinosaurs.

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