Plesiosaurus dinosaur

VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #27 – Plesiosaurus dinosaur facts VR 360 video education

This is the final episode in the VR Jurassic Encyclopedia series. In it, we tell you about a large extinct marine predator – Plesiosaurus. It is estimated to have lived in the early part of the Jurassic period about 200 to 175 million years ago. It measured from 3 to 4.5 meters in length. A characteristic feature of the animal was a long neck, which was about half the length of the entire body of Plesiosaurus. It is estimated that the mass of an adult individual was about 500 kilograms. Its size indicates that it was one of the smaller predators. The animal fed mainly on clams and snails. It is also believed that it could have fed on belemnites, fish, and other prey. It is speculated that because of its build, Plesiosaurus waited for prey to swim up to it rather than hunt it. That’s all interesting facts about Plesiosaurus in this article. For more information, check out the latest episode of the VR Jurassic Encyclopedia. We hope these 27 episodes have helped you discover amazing new facts about the world of dinosaurs.

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