360 videos

VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #27 – Plesiosaurus dinosaur facts VR 360 video education

This is the final episode in the VR Jurassic Encyclopedia series. In it, we tell you about a large extinct marine predator – Plesiosaurus. It is estimated to have lived in the early part of the Jurassic period about 200 to 175 million years ago. It measured from 3 to 4.5 meters in length. A characteristic feature of the animal was a long neck, which was about half the length of the entire body of Plesiosaurus. It is estimated that the mass of an adult individual was about 500 kilograms. Its size indicates that it was one of the smaller predators. The animal fed mainly on clams and snails. It is also believed that it could have fed on belemnites, fish, and other prey. It is speculated that because of its build, Plesiosaurus waited for prey to swim up to it rather than hunt it. That’s all interesting facts about Plesiosaurus in this article. For more information, check out the latest episode of the VR Jurassic Encyclopedia. We hope these 27 episodes have helped you discover amazing new facts about the world of dinosaurs.

VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #26 – Mosasaurus dinosaur facts VR 360 video education

This is the 26th episode of our VR Jurassic Encyclopedia series. In today’s episode, we take a closer look at Mosasaurus dinosaur. It was a large marine reptile that lived about 82 to 66 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous period. The genus Mosasaurus includes as many as 41 different species of varying sizes. It is estimated that it may have reached a maximum length of 17-18 meters. It is speculated that the animal could have reached up to 14 tons in weight. The animal’s robust cutting teeth and huge size, indicate that it was able to handle practically any animal. If you want to learn many more amazing facts, we invite you to watch our VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #26 episode and continue our VR 360 video education about dinosaurs.

VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #25 – Kentrosaurus dinosaur facts VR 360 video education

This is the #25 episode of our VR Jurassic Encyclopedia series. We are pleased to present you another dose of dinosaur facts, with interesting information about the Kentrosaurus in it. It is estimated that he lived about 152 million years ago. The total length of the composite skeleton mount, from the tip of the mouth to the tip of the tail, is 4.5 m. The tail is just over half of this length. Based on the virtual 3D skeleton and the 3D model, it can be estimated that the weight of the dinosaur could be from 1 to even 1.5 tons and it could be up to 5.5 m long. The Kentrosaurus diet, like the rest of the Ornithischians, was plant based. If you want to know the exact structure of the dinosaur but many more amazing facts, we invite you to watch our VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #25 episode.

VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #24 – Carnotaurus dinosaur facts VR 360 video education

In this article, we take a closer look at Carnotaurus. If you want to know a huge dose of interesting facts about this dinosaur, we invite you to read this article and to watch the 24th episode of our series. Carnotaurus, as we wrote earlier, was a lightly built theropod that lived in South America during the Late Cretaceous period. This dinosaur most likely lived between 71 and 69 million years ago. The research carried out on the skeleton made it possible to estimate that the individual found was 7.5 to 8 meters long. It is estimated that Carnotaurus was about 2.5 meters tall and its weight ranged from 1300 to as much as 2100 kg. If you want to know the exact structure of the dinosaur but many more amazing facts, we invite you to watch our VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #24 episode.

VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #22 – Gallimimus dinosaur facts VR 360 video education

In today’s #22 episode of our VR Jurassic Encyclopedia, we move to the Late Cretaceous period to learn some interesting facts about Gallimimus! This dinosaur lived about 70 million years ago and it is currently the largest known member of the family Ornithomimidae. Gallimimus was a toothless dinosaur. The adult of this dinosaur have measured up to about 6 meters long and 1.9 meters tall. It is speculated that the dinosaur may have weighed as much as 440 kilograms. If you want to get more interesting facts about this dinosaur, be sure to watch the VR Jurassic Encyclopedia #22 video posted on the website and continue our VR 360 video education about dinosaurs.

VR SPACE 360 video – ISS Space Station tour | Virtual Reality Experience

In this VR 360 video, we will travel in space to take a closer look at the ISS – International Space Station. The International Space Station is the primary spacecraft of the ISS program, an international project led by Russia and USA. It orbits 558 kilometers above the Earth at approximately 28000 kilometers per hour. International Space Station includes 15 modules, including several laboratories. ISS has been visited by astronauts from 16 countries during more than 150 missions since November. Observe this miracle of technology up close and visit this space station both inside and outside. Watch this VR Space 360 video now and travel in space with us!

VR Black Hole 360 – Travel in SPACE on Crazy 360 VIDEO

In this VR 360 video, we will travel in space, where you will be able to take a closer look at the Black holes and learn some interesting facts about them. The human civilization has not yet found a way to observe directly the black hole, but it is hypothesized that many are present in our galaxy. The black nothingness is surrounded by an area called the “event horizon“, where light cannot escape from the gravity of the black hole. This point is also called “gravity radius“. The black hole is a region of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. They are black because their intense gravitational pull prevents any form of electromagnetic radiation to enter or escape once it crosses an event horizon. If you want to learn more about the black holes, watch this VR Black hole 360 video now and travel in space with us!

Universe VR 360 The solar system videos (Planets comparison)

In this VR 360 video, you will be able to take a closer look at the solar system and learn some interesting facts about planets. You can check our planets comparison in virtual reality. Also, in this video, you can learn something more about Venus which is the second planet from the Sun in our solar system. You can take a look at the atmosphere on this planet. We also have some information about Mars, such as what size it is compared to Earth, but most of all you can take a close look at it. The solar system is a great topic to explore so we decided to tell you more about it.

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